Now Open For Breakfast – 7am to 11am
Enjoy Eggs Benedict, Covered Wagon Egg Breakfast or Gravy & Biscuits with $5 mimosa special.
All Happy Trails Lead to Good Food & Friends
Covered Wagon is a restaurant & saloon location in the heart of the quaint and quirky Town of Nederland, Colorado. A century of history resonates within the walls and among the antique collections of this rustic gathering place – featuring good food, good drink and good friends. We strive to be a community-oriented establishment that is inviting to local folk and visitors alike.
Enjoy a break from the trail and step into history.

Enjoy Our Historic Establishment
The back patio is a perfect place for fresh air dining where leashed and well-behaved dogs are permitted. Indoors, the Covered Wagon offers a variety of spaces for dining or enjoying your favorite beverage. Our amenities include a game room with pool table, a large-flat screen tv for sports fans and regular music events posted on our Facebook page.
Explore the Unusual Antiques and Artifacts
Everywhere you look, antiques and curiosities can be found. A covered wagon collection, historic mining tools, a circa 1880 piano, a vintage cigarette machine and so much more. Feel free to explore the premises for a glimpse of days gone by!

Owner, Jen Davis, has corralled a team of dedicated staff to represent the Covered Wagon’s vision of “good food and friendship” – and where service is a priority. The Covered Wagon is a happy place made up of happy people – friendly, honest and hard-working. We are here to take care of our patrons - don’t hesitate to let us know what you need.
our Values